Thanks for putting this out there! I think it's good for critics of the AI x-risk community to have a better sense of the ecosystem.

One small correction (that I'll try to forward to the people who made the map): my podcast AXRP is not just about technical AI safety, it also covers people's takes on the overall story of why AI poses a risk, and governance research about what ought to be done about it. The unifying topic is research, not just technical research. See my most recent episode about AI governance (https://axrp.net/episode/2023/11/26/episode-26-ai-governance-elizabeth-seger.html). That said, it's fair enough that most episodes have been about technical topics.

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Also, if readers are interested in getting a better sense of what people in the AI x-risk community think about things, I'd encourage you to give it a listen (search "AI X-risk Research Podcast" on YouTube or wherever you listen to podcasts) or read transcripts at axrp.net.

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Good job with this... I believe Open Philanthropy had an explicit strategy to create tons of orgs. Part of this may have been due to a belief that small, nimble orgs are better, but I also suspect it was to conceal the centralized funding.

There was also an org I saw whose stated goal was to "spin out as many new AI safety orgs as possible" (on the order of 10 a year). I think it might have been Nonlinear, but I can't remember.

A lot of these orgs, in my view, are doing very non-neglected, low-impact work. I recently published some criticisms that I wrote in 2021: https://moreisdifferent.medium.com/some-criticisms-i-had-of-ea-funded-ai-safety-efforts-mostly-written-in-early-2021-aa49c9b352e8 I believe many of them still hold true.

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